Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Wildstar Launches Free to Play as Wildstar Reloaded

You hear that? You don't hear anything? Listen closer! It's the sound of mouse clicks happily downloading the new, free-to-play version of Wildstar Reloaded, a.k.a. "Hardcore". So many things can happen within a year. I never was interested in this game when it was out on beta; I saw nothing that really made me want to subscribe. Funny how moods change when things are free! But then again playing something 'new' is always fun especially when there is no (initial) charge for it. This will probably be a one day thing with me where I play, get quickly bored and either leave the game on my hard drive to rot, or delete it. We'll see how long I can tolerate this game and see how far I'm willing to go. It is the MMO that deserves a second shot at success? Is it even deserving of my precious time? Only time will tell!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What's Raji Been Up To: Back Home Edition

Greetings, my fellow readers! Man, this year has been something else. It's like one surprise after the next. One day, I'm enjoying a week long road-trip. Next thing, I'm headed for Atlanta for an awesome opportunity...which didn't pan out that well. Now I'm back home getting things back in order (again!), so you know with all the moving back and forth my blog, and even my gaming somewhat, had to suffer. (again!)

Even though I didn't post as much as I would have liked, that fact that I posted at least one post per month meant something, at least to me. It meant that I really want to see this through. It also meant that I still have an interest about speaking my mind regarding the gaming world. Well at least I know how my favorite web comic authors feel when they are gone for who knows how long (WoWeh, anyone?) Life is very unpredictable, and when you think you have everything in order, a wrench out of nowhere destroys that mindset. So certain things have to suffer, and unfortunately our hobbies, what we enjoy the most, is the first on the chopping block.

So the moral of this post: Being an adult sucks, but we do what's needed to maintain in this crazy world we live in. I'm still here and there is a lot to be excited about in the present and future gaming world!