Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Wildstar Launches Free to Play as Wildstar Reloaded

You hear that? You don't hear anything? Listen closer! It's the sound of mouse clicks happily downloading the new, free-to-play version of Wildstar Reloaded, a.k.a. "Hardcore". So many things can happen within a year. I never was interested in this game when it was out on beta; I saw nothing that really made me want to subscribe. Funny how moods change when things are free! But then again playing something 'new' is always fun especially when there is no (initial) charge for it. This will probably be a one day thing with me where I play, get quickly bored and either leave the game on my hard drive to rot, or delete it. We'll see how long I can tolerate this game and see how far I'm willing to go. It is the MMO that deserves a second shot at success? Is it even deserving of my precious time? Only time will tell!

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