Saturday, February 7, 2015

Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn - My Thoughts So Far

So it's been over a year since I laid eyes on FF14, mainly because World of Warcraft had my full undivided attention. I mean MoP was a success as far as storytelling and WoD was even better! But after the glitter and glamour wore out, so did my interest. I figured, "Hey, they added a ninja class. Let's see what's up with FF14". Me and my crew were more than eager to return back to that world 


Like I said before, the graphics are amazing. Riding through certain areas at the right time can give you some amazing eye candy. While in Gridania if the sun hits a certain angle, you witness glorious sun-shafts through the branches. The night time in Uldah is illuminated with crystals in the background, which I didn't know until later in the game you get to explore that area! The rainstorms in La Noscea are so lifelike, you would almost think a hurricane would show up soon. Even in low settings you're treated with a good looking modern game, in which you are instantly immersed in a fantastical world worth exploring. The enemies are incredibly detailed from the most silly, to downright terrifying. Character and NPC models move and animate very well, their mouths show full expression, and you even move your mouth when you say something in chat! Then there's small details like doors/gates opening/closing for you, full day/night cycle with dynamic weather, grass moving while you traverse through it makes for a nice visual treat.


FF14 is your run-of-the-mill traditional MMO, therefore if you ever played WoW, Rift, and so forth, you will feel at home. I enjoy the fates and leves as alternate ways to level if you tire of quests, though the best way in my opinion is to run dungeons. A healthy combination of the three will help anyone get through the levels quickly. 

Like I also mentioned, the combat here is a bit slower paced than other MMOs. After playing some of the end game content, it's really not as bad as I was making it out to be. It allows the players to plan their next move better, like playing chess. I know as a monk, even as having the fastest GCD it's just right to allow me to figure out which ability I should use next. Besides disconnections, probably from my end, the abilities were very responsive and I did not experience any lag between button press and activation. 

The boss fights in this game are a bit complex and the right difficulty for a pug group. Then again I did hit level cap late in the game where the majority of players are geared. Thus it makes me wonder how the fights were when gear was lower. Syrcus Tower so far is my favorite raid. It's one of the few endgame content I don't mind doing over again even though the fights can get chaotic, especially that first boss. So many telegraphs to dodge at one time, but so fun!


One of the most polished MMOs I've ever played. Class system is excellent. Endgame is more fun than expected. Never got to that ninja class, but loving my monk. Not sure how long I will be here, but right now I'm enjoying the heck out of FF14. Until next time!

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