Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Updates/Expansions galore!

Wow, what a exciting week for MMO players!...well if you're into World of Warcraft, Aion or Final Fantasy XIV. All three games launched an update this and last week and they all seem to bring something interesting to their games:

Aion - Upheaval

Aion's latest expansion released last week, and man, talk about major changes! They made significant changes to the stigma system, certain zones, and class abilities. First of all many abilities which were stigma based are now baseline! Invincibility Mantra, Soul Crush AND recovery spell (among others) baseline?? God yes! Fuck the other classes, my Chanter FINALLY has the changes I been wanting. Word of Life reduced to a one minute cooldown, Healing Conduit got a range and a duration(?) buff. I've always liked the idea of that spell, but the low range made it pointless as there were stronger Stigma abilities to choose from. Now that the majority of the good Stigma abilities are now baseline, I can see myself using this Stigma in a support build.

Now there are many other changes such as Dungeons, Zones, Quests and whatnot, but I'll check those out eventually. If you want to look at the entirety of the changes, check out their main site  Their notes are so long, they had to save it in pdf format, so enjoy reading!

Final Fantasy XIV - Heavensward

I greatly enjoy what this game has to offer as I feel this is the most polished MMORPG on this list. So far they seem to do almost everything right as far as leveling up and endgame (love their 24 man raids). I'm not currently playing right now, but I greatly respect what this game does in terms of multiplayer and solo content. With this new expansion, they are adding new classes, level cap, and of course new zones. The main story is expanded as well. I haven't looked too much into this expansion, but the main thing I'm interested in are the Monk changes. 
From what I've seen thus far, they are adding a new resource called chakra, which will supposed to help with our Greased Lightning upkeep. The new healing class (Astrologer) sounds very interesting and looks to be a mix of Scholar and White Mage. If I ever get back to this game I will definitely try out the Astrologer! Check them out here!

Warlords of Draenor - patch 6.2

Probably the least of the three I'm excited about. I don't hate the game, but there isn't really anything that will make me come back, expect for just being curious of the changes. What they did with garrisons and professions kind of turned me off. I read that they are bringing back flying (sounds like Blizzard caved in, imo), but you have to go through a lot just to get that privilege back. Not flying never really bothered me, but it's kind of sucks that you have to go through so many hoops just to use a feature that you can use anywhere else in the game world.

Aside from my complaints, there are cool additions, such as the Tanaan jungle zone, and Hellfire Citadel raid. I'm sure there are minor changes like Apexis crystals and whatnot, but I don't care enough to read. However, if you DO care, check out their main site, or go to one of my favorite blog sites Blizzard Watch for everything 6.2 related!

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