Thursday, October 1, 2015

To PvP or not to PvP (a.k.a. I'm Too Old For This Shit)

So I had an interesting issue while attempting to log into WildStar after their free-to-play transition. I could create a character, but I could not enter the game world due to some issue on the server's end. The usual solution is to simply go to a different server, only the other server is a (gasp) PvP server and since they have this "megaserver" tech mumbo-jumbo going on, I was stuck with a choice. To either sit back and wait until the devs fix the issue, or roll on the server until the PvE server gets fixed. 

Back in my earlier MMO years (WoW/Burning Crusade), I was a huge advocate for PvP; I enjoyed it ever since I got introduced to it. I had lots of fun figuring out the best build for certain situations. At that time I had no issues losing because it helped me learn what other classes can and can't do. The years passed by and around mid-Wrath of the Lich King is when PvP started to grate on me. At this point, me and my buddy were hardcore status (time wise, not skill wise) and sunk a LOT into slowly climbing our ranks. I mean we put in the research, we attempted different strats, but to no avail, there was always a team that outplayed us, sometimes to the point of trolling. Eventually we got to our breaking point and broke off rated PvP for a while. We'll dab into it from time to time, but much more casually.

Things like battlegrounds where there are a large group with objective are very fun to play because you are within a mix of different skills and playstyles and there's no real pressure to play perfectly, outside of some elitist pricks who think they are god's gift to this game. The problem is when you add a rating system it makes the game less of what you want to play and more of what you need to play to win. Fortunately I have a thing called free will so I choose not to stress myself any further. I'll admit that while I enjoy the challenge of killing other players, I'm not as competitive as others. I just want to have fun. *shrug* That's what happens when you get older; you learn to tolerate less bullshit from other people. Regardless in person or online. I also used to really enjoy leveling on a PvP server. It just gave that extra excitement that PvE servers didn't give. But after some years, using the 'older' excuse again, I just sometimes don't want to be bothered. Back in the day they were great, but now I feel I have nothing to prove. You know how players were called "carebears" because they wouldn't dare step foot on a PvP servers? I guess I'm a convert! I still enjoy my PvP though, just in small bursts. 

Now as far as what I chose to do in Wildstar, I did both! I rolled a toon just to play while the server was being worked on and the next day I logged my PvE toon ready to go! (With a side of lag) I'm sure I'll get into the PvP game here too, assuming I will keep playing this game. If so, look for a future review soon!

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