Monday, October 26, 2015

Progression and MMOs

So many players believe progression is a key element in keeping them in the game, be it leveling up, acquiring better gear, or learning new skills. I believe while progression is something that is important in gaming, it could be done better than using the same 'ol formula. You know what I'm talking about if you played any current MMO that has a level cap, then upon reaching that cap you then proceed on with endgame progression, via raids, PvP battlegrounds, dailies, etc. It seems like ever since WoW came out, other companies try to use the framework of WoW and apply it to their own style, but at the end of the day, it ends being the same thing. I guess you can say this is what I have experienced in past MMOs. I think progression is good for single player games, but MMOs you need a bit more than just progressing to get "uber gear".

Thursday, October 22, 2015

My thoughts on the Tides of War [spoilers]

One day on WoW insider, this video was featured on thier machinima column, WoW Moviewatch. The vid was good, so good that it motivated me to get the latest e-version of the back. Never in a long time (maybe ever!) that I have been so engaged in a book! It took me only 2 days to complete the entire book and I have a lot of thoughts about the events that transpired.

Monday, October 19, 2015

The WoW IronMan Challenge

So stumbled across this interesting phenomenon on the interwebs the other day. It immediately  peeked my interest, as it adds a nice level of challenge that is lacking in current WoW leveling. What is the Iron Man Challenge, you ask?

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Bargin Bin: AdVenture Capitalist

Probably one of the best games you forgot you ever had. AdVenture Capitalist premise is simple: make as much money as humanly possible. That's it. No enemies, no boss battles, no complicated puzzles. It's only you and your humble lemonade stand. Make a some lemonade and go from there. Sooner than you know it, bam! You're a millionaire. Yeah, it's a Fackbook-ish casual clicker, but one where even the most casual of the bunch can make it far. Considering my busy random life, this is a perfect in-and-out game for me!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

To PvP or not to PvP (a.k.a. I'm Too Old For This Shit)

So I had an interesting issue while attempting to log into WildStar after their free-to-play transition. I could create a character, but I could not enter the game world due to some issue on the server's end. The usual solution is to simply go to a different server, only the other server is a (gasp) PvP server and since they have this "megaserver" tech mumbo-jumbo going on, I was stuck with a choice. To either sit back and wait until the devs fix the issue, or roll on the server until the PvE server gets fixed.