Thursday, August 11, 2016

Legion pre-expansion Event and Major Lore Changes (spoilers)

Last night, I completed the Leigon pre-expansion event (for both factions) and man! First off, was very impressed with the use of scenarios and how it seamlessly went from queuing to automatically starting.  As far as the scenario itself, it was nothing special, but still fun. The main attraction is the major lore progression. I kinda already knew Vol'jin and Varian were going to die, but to actually see it happen was eye opening. Especially the way Varian died. (so damn hardcore!) Of course shout out to Tirion, your death was a bit brutal as well.

Of course they had to make it seem like the Horde abandoned the Alliance in their time of need, but after completing the Horde version, I had a feeling they had issues of their own! This Legion invasion is unlike anything Azeroth has seen so far. They mean business this time, and they're not letting up that easily.

Back to the factions, both have to deal with a major loss. As far as the Alliance, I believe Anduin is ready to lead his people and the rest of the Alliance to where he believe they should be. Jaina seems like a loss cause though. She is so damn anti-horde now, she definitely does not see things eye to eye with the new appointed king. Horde side, Sylvanis is now the warchief. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but she was the reason the Horde escaped from the Legion threat. And I have to say, she made very sound decisions during that time. But I wonder...what other agenda she has going on? I know the other Horde leaders may have some opposition to this, but I guess we'll find out during the expansion...

...speaking of which. I was going back and forth of getting the expansion (which I have not bought yet) mainly because I thought it was going to be the same mess like WoD was at the beginning. Great questing content, but with stale end game content that got tiring quickly. But after completing the main part of the invasion, it got me curious to learning more on what's going to happen. If they give me something like Mist of Panderia's patch 5.1, I'll come back in a heartbeat.

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