Thursday, January 28, 2016

What's Raji Up To: 2016 Edition

Happy New Year's readers! Granted it's near the end of January, but we're still pretty fresh into 2016. So what have I've been up to since my last post?

Many things, mostly RL stuff that gets in the way of fun things sometimes, but those are the breaks. It have not stopped my gaming, though! I'm excited about my little priest I've been recently leveling in WoW. With the new changes in Legion, I see a lot of specs are going to be a force to be reckoned with. (I see you, enhance shaman!) I have not been playing much end-game WoW, however, just more focused on getting this little guy to 100. I haven't really cared too much about the end-game too much, unless it's PvP based. My buddies are doing thier arena matches which is pretty much the only thing left to do (don't care about end-game PvE at the moment) before Legion hits.

Also been playing Cities: Skylines. Heavily. I can play this game for hours and not get tired of it...unless I get tired of it. The main feature that draws me is the transit system. I can just observe the bus routes and how people get around my city for hours. I'm just a big a fan of meta things. Another game I've been surprisingly playing again is Dark Souls 2. Why am I back in this game? Well first of all, I haven't beaten it yet, and for me to call myself an "old-school hardcore gamer" is a slap in the face to the other old-school hardcore gamers. So I will beat you, Dark Souls 2, dammit I will! Secondly, I lost my old save when I upgraded my computer, so I had to once again start over. Good news, is that I'm back to where I left off (Huntsman Copse), but that damn chariot boss is still kicking my ass. I'll beat it eventually, hopefully before I fully break my controller.

Well thats a fairly quick wrap-up of what I've been doing with my time. 2016 is going to be another great year for gaming, and I can't wait to discuss the many things in our gaming world. Till next time!

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