Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Bargain Bin: Danmaku Unlimited 2

Welcome to my new whenever-I-feel-like-it column! Here, I'll be showcasing games you can purchase for $20 or less. This also means free to play as well. If I feel there's an awesome game out there that more people will appreciate and it's cheap? I will mention it here. At the end I will also have a play-through video so you can see the game in action. I have plenty in my Steam Library so I have a large selection to choose from!

My first game I would like to showcase is Danmaku Unlimited 2. For a quick overview of the game and my thoughts check out my previous article.

Price: $4.99
Link: Steam Store

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Elder Scrolls Onine: Tamiriel Unlimited - First Impressions

The time is here! Zenimax finally dropped the monthly fee and went buy-to-play. I, among others, have argued that Elder Scrolls Online should have been BTP from the start, but I guess they were trying to milk the sub model as much as they can before they switched. Maybe it was all in plan, who knows?

I remember playing some of this in beta. I was reluctant about the game even before they announced the first closed beta. As I expected, the beta didn't really give me any good impressions, mainly because the game was still a sub model, and that fact alone made me look at the game at a negative light. Sure the quests are nice and all but I just didn't see enough to justify a monthly fee. Well many things have changed, or so I have been told, that improved the overall game. Considering this is my first time playing the release version, this is more of a first impression on what I think of the game thus far.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Dragon Age Inquisition

So I finally ended up getting the latest game in the Dragon Age series, Dragon Age Inquisition! Yea...this game is going to have my attention for a while. It looks like a medieval version of Mass Effect 3 as far as the character graphics. Haven't played much, but I already like the story-line. I see other elements from other games (Rift, to name a few) that was integrated nicely in Dragon Age. I also like how combat is handled. They keep the same style from the other games; the ability to pause the game and map out your tactics. From a first glance it seems like they simplified how your characters interact with each other, but I will find out the further I get into this game. Look out for my full thoughts on this game soon!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

So a little birdie told me about this game...

My good friend Xavi told me about this upcoming MMORPG called Skyforge. Yeah, I heard about it before and read some of the articles on other sites; just never really cared for it. But it wasn't until he mentioned this game that I wanted to look more into it, so I did. Quick fact about Xavi: he has a history of getting me into games I probably would've never looked at. Shout out to Aion!

First of all thier website is nicely designed and I enjoyed reading the different information regarding the game class system and overall mechanics. The only issue I had was when I saw the game in action. The class trailers looked awesome, but the actual gameplay looked...not good. I was not a fan of the animations at all; they looked weird and disjointed, almost as bad as The Secret World's animations. But until I see and play for myself, I will withhold further judgement. Look out for an in-depth look of this game (and the others I mentioned in my last article) once I get my hands on it!

Friday, March 13, 2015

MMOs I'm Looking Foward To

Every year MMOs get released, re-released, cancelled, or hit alpha/beta statuses. Out of all of them (and there are a lot!), these are the three I look most forward to playing in the future...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Until we meet again, Eorzea!

It's been fun Final Fantasy XIV, but it's time for me to move on. No more hanging out with the Malboro's in the Black Shroud. Farewell to frolicking in the Ul'dan desert. Say bye-bye to the sandy beaches in La Noscea. Seriously, I'm glad that I gave this game another chance especially when I thought I was never going to play it again! Running the remaining dungeons, hitting level 50 for the first time, and doing raids/extreme trials were very memorable moments.  The raid system here is very fun and I love how they set up certain boss fights to take advantage of the different groups. Even leaving the game I still have so many things to accomplish. So why in the world did I decide to take a break?

Friday, March 6, 2015

My MMO Birthday Wishes

Happy born-day to me! Every year people all over have that one special wish for their birthday, whether it's a new bike, clothes or a new video game. I have couple of MMO wishes myself I would like share on this momentous day.

First of all a truly persistent world is something I've always dreamed of. World of Warcraft is the closest I've gotten to that with its huge continents. I don't know how much resources it takes to make a whole world, but it would be awesome having to wait in real-time to cross another part of the world. I'm sure others disagree, but this is my wish!

Another thing I would like to see if the developers giving players more options. World of Warcraft is notorious for restricting character customization. sure, transmogrification is awesome it all, but allowing us to dye our gear, to be able to wear whatever armor we want for cosmetic services, to be able to equip our legendary weapons would be epic!

I have way more wishes, but I'll keep it short and sweet for now. Got a lot of celebrating to do!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

My Steam Library

Yeah yeah, I play primarily MMORPGs, but I dabble in single player games from time to time. My steam library is filled with games I played, haven't played but will, and so forth.  Let's take a quick look at some of the games worth mentioning. Who knows, I may even make some video/guides/walk-through if I'm so inclined!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Why we play MMOs

May 2007. World of Warcraft. The moment where my life would be forever altered. For many, WoW was their first exposure to a full virtual world. Maple Story was mines, but it didn't make tromping through Azeroth any less immersive! Before I got into MMOs, single player RPGs with memorable characters and a good long story kept my attention. I remember going as far back to my SNES days playing Illusion of Gaia, reading every single text, getting lost in the story. Same with other titles over the years such as Star Ocean 2, Xenogears, Legend of Dragoon, Final Fantasy 7 to 10, and later games like Skyrim, Dragon Age Series, Mass Effect Series, and even Grand Theft Auto. Of course, game-play matter, but a good story and a immersive world was more important to me.

Now I'm a certified MMOer, those things are still important, but as far as story, I prefer my own. For other gamers, playing MMOs entertains them for various reasons. I can't speak for everyone, but after playing MMORPGs for over 7 years, you get to meet people from different walks of life and they all have different motives to play. Here's my random thoughts!

When you're overwhelmed...

Looking at my quest log, there are a lot of things I still need to do. Bad enough I'm now leveling a summoner (which is really fun), along with doing fates for my monk's weapon as well as gearing him up, unlocking trails and hardmode dungeons, and enjoying the hell out of Golden Saucer, I'm suddenly becoming overwhelmed with too much to do! Help!