Saturday, March 14, 2015

So a little birdie told me about this game...

My good friend Xavi told me about this upcoming MMORPG called Skyforge. Yeah, I heard about it before and read some of the articles on other sites; just never really cared for it. But it wasn't until he mentioned this game that I wanted to look more into it, so I did. Quick fact about Xavi: he has a history of getting me into games I probably would've never looked at. Shout out to Aion!

First of all thier website is nicely designed and I enjoyed reading the different information regarding the game class system and overall mechanics. The only issue I had was when I saw the game in action. The class trailers looked awesome, but the actual gameplay looked...not good. I was not a fan of the animations at all; they looked weird and disjointed, almost as bad as The Secret World's animations. But until I see and play for myself, I will withhold further judgement. Look out for an in-depth look of this game (and the others I mentioned in my last article) once I get my hands on it!

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