Monday, January 16, 2017

Nintendo Switch: Should I Get One?

On Friday the 13th, Nintendo unveiled to the world extra details about it's upcoming console, the Nintendo Switch. Prior to the announcement, the only news we had was the reveal trailer released a couple months ago. Let's start from there and gauge my reactions over the time.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Happy 2017!

Greetings fellow readers! I decided to update the page with a new name and design. It's a more casual name because I'm a causal person and it fits the content I post well. Outside of that, it's been more of the same, instead of World of Warcraft, Overwatch has taken a good chunk of my time, along with Planet Coaster (which I will cover more in the future). So many things to talk about, and hopefully I will get to them. (Ya'll should know the routine by now) In the meantime, see you guys later!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Legion pre-expansion Event and Major Lore Changes (spoilers)

Last night, I completed the Leigon pre-expansion event (for both factions) and man! First off, was very impressed with the use of scenarios and how it seamlessly went from queuing to automatically starting.  As far as the scenario itself, it was nothing special, but still fun. The main attraction is the major lore progression. I kinda already knew Vol'jin and Varian were going to die, but to actually see it happen was eye opening. Especially the way Varian died. (so damn hardcore!) Of course shout out to Tirion, your death was a bit brutal as well.

Of course they had to make it seem like the Horde abandoned the Alliance in their time of need, but after completing the Horde version, I had a feeling they had issues of their own! This Legion invasion is unlike anything Azeroth has seen so far. They mean business this time, and they're not letting up that easily.

Back to the factions, both have to deal with a major loss. As far as the Alliance, I believe Anduin is ready to lead his people and the rest of the Alliance to where he believe they should be. Jaina seems like a loss cause though. She is so damn anti-horde now, she definitely does not see things eye to eye with the new appointed king. Horde side, Sylvanis is now the warchief. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but she was the reason the Horde escaped from the Legion threat. And I have to say, she made very sound decisions during that time. But I wonder...what other agenda she has going on? I know the other Horde leaders may have some opposition to this, but I guess we'll find out during the expansion...

...speaking of which. I was going back and forth of getting the expansion (which I have not bought yet) mainly because I thought it was going to be the same mess like WoD was at the beginning. Great questing content, but with stale end game content that got tiring quickly. But after completing the main part of the invasion, it got me curious to learning more on what's going to happen. If they give me something like Mist of Panderia's patch 5.1, I'll come back in a heartbeat.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Overwatch: My Thoughts (finally!)

I swear Blizzard's marketing is very effective...

Overwatch is the newest IP in Blizzard's arsenal, and man what an impact it had when it released! Even before I got the game, I was heavily watching gameplay vids on YouTube, all of the "origins" cinematic and character comics. I was very engaged in the world, and I haven't even played the damn game yet! Initially I held back buying the game thinking I would not like it for long, but was I wrong! Level 62 and climbing...

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Overwatch's Latest Update and...Lucioball?

So I got a pleasant surprise starting with a notification on my desktop about an update that was completed on Overwatch. Curious, I opened the launcher and checked out the patch notes. To my delight, it was about a new event called the Overwatch Summer Games 2016. Obviously it's commemorating the summer 2016 Olympics with it's assortment of Olympic-based unlocks, which include skins, sprays, emotes, highlight intros and victory poses. Unlike the current unlockables, you can only unlock the event stuff through the appropriately themed loot box. 

Another aspect of the Summer Games event is the unique brawler challenge, aptly named, Lucioball. In this special brawl, it's a timed 3v3 soccer match with only Luico as the playable character. The team that scores the most points before time runs out wins. I only played one game, and it was a little difficult lining your shots at first, but it was still pretty fun. The other team kicked our butts though. It looks like something that can get competitive once players get the hang of the mechanics. Great for soccer fans!

One thing that caught my eye that I don't know if other's noticed, but they adjusted the hero's positions in the hero gallery. Prior to the change, all the heroes were evenly positioned, creating 11 columns. Now it seemed like they took two of the heroes and placed them on the upper row, creating 12 columns, but leaving two black spaces below them. Could this be a clue that they're going to add two more heroes in the near future? It's crazy the things I pay attention to.

Overall, this was a nice little addition to the game that I didn't expect. The event is about 3 weeks long, so that's enough for those with time (and fat wallets) to unlock some cool stuff. I'm impressed how Blizzard is handling the updates in this game. Speaking of which, my thoughts about Overwatch will be coming soon! Cheers!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

When you thought it was over...

...I return! 2016...yeah, hasn't been the best year for me , but I'm here and ready to give more of my thoughts regarding whats going on in the video game world, well at least in my eyes. There are many things to get 'excited' about, primarily World of Warcraft's Legion is coming out!....yay? Also, Overwatch! A game that's successfully took a huge chunk of my time. I just got back from a Cities: Skyline hiatus and slowly working my way back into that game. A couple of months ago, I caught the Black Desert fever, and when I was still into the game, it was an amazing experience. Too bad I stopped short of 50. Anyhow, here are some potential things I may discuss in the future:

- WoW Legion and if I will buy or skip this expansion

- My time on Overwatch

- A couple of bargin bin articles

-Whatever comes to mind?

I'm glad to be back so let's see how much further I go with this! Unfortunately I lost my domain, but is good enough for now. 

For those new to me, please check out my Facebook page to keep updated on future articles and randomness. Also check out my past articles to get a feel of what I do.

Thanks for reading and see you soon!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

What's Raji Up To: 2016 Edition

Happy New Year's readers! Granted it's near the end of January, but we're still pretty fresh into 2016. So what have I've been up to since my last post?

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Bargain Bin: Fallout 3

With all this Fallout 4 hoopla going on, I figured it was the perfect chance to start a series I haven't experienced yet. On sale for a whopping $2.99 each, I purchased Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. I have to say, my first experiences in the Wastelands were pretty good, so to speak.