Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Bargain Bin: Fallout 3

With all this Fallout 4 hoopla going on, I figured it was the perfect chance to start a series I haven't experienced yet. On sale for a whopping $2.99 each, I purchased Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. I have to say, my first experiences in the Wastelands were pretty good, so to speak.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Overwatch not FTP? Madness!

I know I wasn't alone when I thought Overwatch was going to be released as a free-to-play game with micro-transactions. Not only it's buy-to-play, but it's coming on multiple systems! The horror of it all! 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

WoW Ironman Challenge Update: A Legacy to Uphold


It's time to come back...

I think it's about that time. The great things about MMORPGs is that you can take a long hiatus and come back excited as if it's a new game. And in many ways, especially if a new expansion/patch is out, it is! Final Fantasy XIV is in it's first major patch of Heavensward and the expansion been out since June. Man, I missed a lot! And as usual, I have a lot of catching up to do. On top on having a friend interested in playing FFXIV with me, it's definitely a good reason to re-sub. (and buy the expansion, of course)

One thing I really like about this game is that their content patches are like mini expansions! They always seem to provide something for everyone with every new patch they release. I miss my monk, and I think he misses me too. Can't wait to dust him off and see what's changed. Until then I'll see you guys in Eorzea! 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Progression and MMOs

So many players believe progression is a key element in keeping them in the game, be it leveling up, acquiring better gear, or learning new skills. I believe while progression is something that is important in gaming, it could be done better than using the same 'ol formula. You know what I'm talking about if you played any current MMO that has a level cap, then upon reaching that cap you then proceed on with endgame progression, via raids, PvP battlegrounds, dailies, etc. It seems like ever since WoW came out, other companies try to use the framework of WoW and apply it to their own style, but at the end of the day, it ends being the same thing. I guess you can say this is what I have experienced in past MMOs. I think progression is good for single player games, but MMOs you need a bit more than just progressing to get "uber gear".

Thursday, October 22, 2015

My thoughts on the Tides of War [spoilers]

One day on WoW insider, this video was featured on thier machinima column, WoW Moviewatch. The vid was good, so good that it motivated me to get the latest e-version of the back. Never in a long time (maybe ever!) that I have been so engaged in a book! It took me only 2 days to complete the entire book and I have a lot of thoughts about the events that transpired.

Monday, October 19, 2015

The WoW IronMan Challenge

So stumbled across this interesting phenomenon on the interwebs the other day. It immediately  peeked my interest, as it adds a nice level of challenge that is lacking in current WoW leveling. What is the Iron Man Challenge, you ask?

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Bargin Bin: AdVenture Capitalist

Probably one of the best games you forgot you ever had. AdVenture Capitalist premise is simple: make as much money as humanly possible. That's it. No enemies, no boss battles, no complicated puzzles. It's only you and your humble lemonade stand. Make a some lemonade and go from there. Sooner than you know it, bam! You're a millionaire. Yeah, it's a Fackbook-ish casual clicker, but one where even the most casual of the bunch can make it far. Considering my busy random life, this is a perfect in-and-out game for me!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

To PvP or not to PvP (a.k.a. I'm Too Old For This Shit)

So I had an interesting issue while attempting to log into WildStar after their free-to-play transition. I could create a character, but I could not enter the game world due to some issue on the server's end. The usual solution is to simply go to a different server, only the other server is a (gasp) PvP server and since they have this "megaserver" tech mumbo-jumbo going on, I was stuck with a choice. To either sit back and wait until the devs fix the issue, or roll on the server until the PvE server gets fixed. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Wildstar Launches Free to Play as Wildstar Reloaded

You hear that? You don't hear anything? Listen closer! It's the sound of mouse clicks happily downloading the new, free-to-play version of Wildstar Reloaded, a.k.a. "Hardcore". So many things can happen within a year. I never was interested in this game when it was out on beta; I saw nothing that really made me want to subscribe. Funny how moods change when things are free! But then again playing something 'new' is always fun especially when there is no (initial) charge for it. This will probably be a one day thing with me where I play, get quickly bored and either leave the game on my hard drive to rot, or delete it. We'll see how long I can tolerate this game and see how far I'm willing to go. It is the MMO that deserves a second shot at success? Is it even deserving of my precious time? Only time will tell!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What's Raji Been Up To: Back Home Edition

Greetings, my fellow readers! Man, this year has been something else. It's like one surprise after the next. One day, I'm enjoying a week long road-trip. Next thing, I'm headed for Atlanta for an awesome opportunity...which didn't pan out that well. Now I'm back home getting things back in order (again!), so you know with all the moving back and forth my blog, and even my gaming somewhat, had to suffer. (again!)

Even though I didn't post as much as I would have liked, that fact that I posted at least one post per month meant something, at least to me. It meant that I really want to see this through. It also meant that I still have an interest about speaking my mind regarding the gaming world. Well at least I know how my favorite web comic authors feel when they are gone for who knows how long (WoWeh, anyone?) Life is very unpredictable, and when you think you have everything in order, a wrench out of nowhere destroys that mindset. So certain things have to suffer, and unfortunately our hobbies, what we enjoy the most, is the first on the chopping block.

So the moral of this post: Being an adult sucks, but we do what's needed to maintain in this crazy world we live in. I'm still here and there is a lot to be excited about in the present and future gaming world!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

New WoW expansion to be announced "soon"

As I was browsing through one of my frequent sites, I came across this article. I read that Blizzard was going to announce something, but I just assumed it would be for Hearthstone or it's other games. This was something I did not expect! It hasn't been a full year since Warlords of Dreanor came out and we're getting news of another one so soon.

Although I don't know what direction they will go with this next expansion, I just hope they fix everything that was wrong with the last one. Change professions back to being useful, especially while leveling. Hopefully find a balance with the amount of dungeons, daily quests, etc. Maybe do some more with the Brawler's Guild! I really enjoyed that! Also, give Shamans the tools to be more competitive with others (wishful thinking).Well whatever they are going to do we will find out very soon! Stay tuned! 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

So I finally beat GTA:V - My thoughts

On this day, I finally completed the story mode of Grand Theft Auto V! I promised myself I wouldn't speak about this game until I completed the story. With so much recent distractions in the past couple months (including having no internet connection), it prevented me from completing it sooner, outside of general burnout. My money was well spent, though, because I believe this is one of the most polished, complete modern game I've ever played. Here are my quick thoughts.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Updates/Expansions galore!

Wow, what a exciting week for MMO players!...well if you're into World of Warcraft, Aion or Final Fantasy XIV. All three games launched an update this and last week and they all seem to bring something interesting to their games:

Thursday, May 28, 2015

My Issues With World of Warcraft

Not too long ago we got news World of Warcraft lost three million subscribers. I was shocked that it dropped so drastically, but not really surprised. There's always gonna be a drop of subscribers months after a new game/expansion  is released, so that's nothing new. I used to be one of those that used to go with the flow with whatever changes Blizzard made but now, things have changed. There were some issues with the game that I just could not ignore. 

Yea, so some things happened....

Thought I gave up on this blog huh? Well you're mistaken! There's this thing called real life, and it took precedence over the past couple of weeks. So many things happened (and happening at the same time), I didn't have time to do my usual gaming! So where do I start?

First of all I just returned from a week-long, awesometastic road trip through the Southeastern United States, riding roller coasters along the way. On top of that, I was in the middle of accepting a new gig. Both the trip and the new job came through, so instead of unpacking getting ready for my (not-so-awesome) job, I'm repacking for my move to Atlanta! Crazy how things change so rapidly! I also haven't been on my games due to being hella busy and tired, but things will go back to normal when the dust clears up and I'm in place.

Right now the only games I've been playing is Cities: Skylines, mainly because I can make some quick changes to my city and watch the game play itself. Very relaxing. Well gotta get back to preparing. See y'all in Atlanta!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I'm in the Heros of the Storm beta!

Well this is a pleasant surprise! It all started when I decided to check out what's been going on with WoW via the Veteran status. For those not playing currently, Blizzard added a status where you're able to login your account without an active subscription. Only toons lvl 20 and under are available to play, however. Anyways, if you look at the left side of the picture, you'll see the Hero of the Storm icon ready to be installed. I've never been chosen for a Blizzard beta for anything, so this was the last thing I expected. I honestly don't know what to expect as I have not been following this game, but who cares? I'm in a Blizzard Beta; I 'll figure it out!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Some Deep Stuff

Here's an example of art imitating life. Not even in the far away lands of Feraldan can you escape daddy issues. A very powerful scene; I'm sure there are those that can relate to this. The funny thing is that I was expecting an ambush of some sort and I got this. Kudos Bioware.

Friday, April 24, 2015

The Bargain Bin: Savant - Ascent

Here is a game that is definitely worth it's place in the Bargain Bin. A unique type of shooter called twin stick where you use one stick to fire and aim and the other to control the character. The main strengths of this game are the music and the gameplay. The actual artist Savant made the music for the game and for the price you're getting a steal! It has a very retro, video game feel, but in a modern way. The gameplay is tricky at first but once you advance to the later levels, you'll be blasting and dodging like a pro, thanks to the tight controls. 

Throughout the game special enemies appear that will drop a shattered record. Collect four of these to unlock a music track and a special power that will assist or improve your shots. There isn't a lot of enemy variety, but because the game itself is short but action-packed, it can be overlooked. Not too long ago the developers added a free expansion called The Void that adds two extra levels. Even more incentive to pick up this title! Check it out!

Price: $1.99
Link: Steam Store

Thursday, April 23, 2015

What I've been doing with my time...

Splitting my time with this and GTAV and all the content they have, it'll take forever to beat them both...


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My Steam Library: Co-Op Madness!

There's nothing like a local co-op mode where where players in the same room accomplish or compete for the same goal. Back in the NES days, the only options for multiplayer were games with local co-ops, aka the split screen games. Games now these days are played online with others miles away, lacking that social presence and bonding that playing with others locally brings. Fortunately for us, with all the online multiplayer options most games have, some still have the option of that good ol co-op action. Here are three in my library that I feel are worth a look!

Friday, April 17, 2015

What's Raji up to These Days?

Well well, it's nice to see you guys again! Yea, I know I've MIA for a little bit. A couple of weeks ago my work schedule took a drastic change from evening to early morning shifts, which was quite a shock! It took some to get readjusted to everything but, don't fret! I've been using that time very wisely...playing a lot of games...offline games. I know, crazy concept right? There are a lot of good games out there and I'm not playing them. The past couple of weeks gave me a chance to experience the ones that were collecting dust on my Steam account. Man was I missing out! More on the games I'm playing (including a Bargain Bin article) very soon!

 As far as MMORPGs, I'm taking a small break from them for now. I will also discuss why in a future article. But because I figuratively unhooked myself from an MMO, I've been out more and on my computer less, enjoying the world around me. It's nice to smell fresh air now and then. Since now things are somewhat in order, I'm ready to dig in and share more stuff that's on my mind regarding the MMO and gaming world. Until then readers!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Yea, I got it....

With all this Bloodborne hoopla going on, I couldn't help but feel a little left out in the fun. Considering I don't own a PS4 (or a console at all...well besides my NES) I will never know how awesome (or not) this game really is. But you know what, I don't need to anymore!

The guys over at Bandai-Namco released a new edition of Dark Souls II called Scholar of the First Sin. This updated version gives us awesome DX11 graphics(!), new and better lighting, different model placement and other goodies. I've seen the previews, looked at enough gameplay videos, and did enough pondering  to decide that "Fuck it. This will be my Bloodborne". This update is the reason why I stopped playing in the first place. Fortunately I didn't really go that far. I killed a few bosses but barely did even half of the game, so this will be a fairly new experience. Yes it sucks that I had to pay for this update, but at least I got a discount since I own the original Dark Souls 2. Sucks for PS4 owners since they have to pay full price! (suck it, consolers!) 

For more info on the updated version click here. In the meantime, I'll be in the game, anticipating how my next demise will end up. Man, how I missed that "You Died" screen...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Bargain Bin: Danmaku Unlimited 2

Welcome to my new whenever-I-feel-like-it column! Here, I'll be showcasing games you can purchase for $20 or less. This also means free to play as well. If I feel there's an awesome game out there that more people will appreciate and it's cheap? I will mention it here. At the end I will also have a play-through video so you can see the game in action. I have plenty in my Steam Library so I have a large selection to choose from!

My first game I would like to showcase is Danmaku Unlimited 2. For a quick overview of the game and my thoughts check out my previous article.

Price: $4.99
Link: Steam Store

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Elder Scrolls Onine: Tamiriel Unlimited - First Impressions

The time is here! Zenimax finally dropped the monthly fee and went buy-to-play. I, among others, have argued that Elder Scrolls Online should have been BTP from the start, but I guess they were trying to milk the sub model as much as they can before they switched. Maybe it was all in plan, who knows?

I remember playing some of this in beta. I was reluctant about the game even before they announced the first closed beta. As I expected, the beta didn't really give me any good impressions, mainly because the game was still a sub model, and that fact alone made me look at the game at a negative light. Sure the quests are nice and all but I just didn't see enough to justify a monthly fee. Well many things have changed, or so I have been told, that improved the overall game. Considering this is my first time playing the release version, this is more of a first impression on what I think of the game thus far.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Dragon Age Inquisition

So I finally ended up getting the latest game in the Dragon Age series, Dragon Age Inquisition! Yea...this game is going to have my attention for a while. It looks like a medieval version of Mass Effect 3 as far as the character graphics. Haven't played much, but I already like the story-line. I see other elements from other games (Rift, to name a few) that was integrated nicely in Dragon Age. I also like how combat is handled. They keep the same style from the other games; the ability to pause the game and map out your tactics. From a first glance it seems like they simplified how your characters interact with each other, but I will find out the further I get into this game. Look out for my full thoughts on this game soon!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

So a little birdie told me about this game...

My good friend Xavi told me about this upcoming MMORPG called Skyforge. Yeah, I heard about it before and read some of the articles on other sites; just never really cared for it. But it wasn't until he mentioned this game that I wanted to look more into it, so I did. Quick fact about Xavi: he has a history of getting me into games I probably would've never looked at. Shout out to Aion!

First of all thier website is nicely designed and I enjoyed reading the different information regarding the game class system and overall mechanics. The only issue I had was when I saw the game in action. The class trailers looked awesome, but the actual gameplay looked...not good. I was not a fan of the animations at all; they looked weird and disjointed, almost as bad as The Secret World's animations. But until I see and play for myself, I will withhold further judgement. Look out for an in-depth look of this game (and the others I mentioned in my last article) once I get my hands on it!

Friday, March 13, 2015

MMOs I'm Looking Foward To

Every year MMOs get released, re-released, cancelled, or hit alpha/beta statuses. Out of all of them (and there are a lot!), these are the three I look most forward to playing in the future...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Until we meet again, Eorzea!

It's been fun Final Fantasy XIV, but it's time for me to move on. No more hanging out with the Malboro's in the Black Shroud. Farewell to frolicking in the Ul'dan desert. Say bye-bye to the sandy beaches in La Noscea. Seriously, I'm glad that I gave this game another chance especially when I thought I was never going to play it again! Running the remaining dungeons, hitting level 50 for the first time, and doing raids/extreme trials were very memorable moments.  The raid system here is very fun and I love how they set up certain boss fights to take advantage of the different groups. Even leaving the game I still have so many things to accomplish. So why in the world did I decide to take a break?

Friday, March 6, 2015

My MMO Birthday Wishes

Happy born-day to me! Every year people all over have that one special wish for their birthday, whether it's a new bike, clothes or a new video game. I have couple of MMO wishes myself I would like share on this momentous day.

First of all a truly persistent world is something I've always dreamed of. World of Warcraft is the closest I've gotten to that with its huge continents. I don't know how much resources it takes to make a whole world, but it would be awesome having to wait in real-time to cross another part of the world. I'm sure others disagree, but this is my wish!

Another thing I would like to see if the developers giving players more options. World of Warcraft is notorious for restricting character customization. sure, transmogrification is awesome it all, but allowing us to dye our gear, to be able to wear whatever armor we want for cosmetic services, to be able to equip our legendary weapons would be epic!

I have way more wishes, but I'll keep it short and sweet for now. Got a lot of celebrating to do!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

My Steam Library

Yeah yeah, I play primarily MMORPGs, but I dabble in single player games from time to time. My steam library is filled with games I played, haven't played but will, and so forth.  Let's take a quick look at some of the games worth mentioning. Who knows, I may even make some video/guides/walk-through if I'm so inclined!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Why we play MMOs

May 2007. World of Warcraft. The moment where my life would be forever altered. For many, WoW was their first exposure to a full virtual world. Maple Story was mines, but it didn't make tromping through Azeroth any less immersive! Before I got into MMOs, single player RPGs with memorable characters and a good long story kept my attention. I remember going as far back to my SNES days playing Illusion of Gaia, reading every single text, getting lost in the story. Same with other titles over the years such as Star Ocean 2, Xenogears, Legend of Dragoon, Final Fantasy 7 to 10, and later games like Skyrim, Dragon Age Series, Mass Effect Series, and even Grand Theft Auto. Of course, game-play matter, but a good story and a immersive world was more important to me.

Now I'm a certified MMOer, those things are still important, but as far as story, I prefer my own. For other gamers, playing MMOs entertains them for various reasons. I can't speak for everyone, but after playing MMORPGs for over 7 years, you get to meet people from different walks of life and they all have different motives to play. Here's my random thoughts!

When you're overwhelmed...

Looking at my quest log, there are a lot of things I still need to do. Bad enough I'm now leveling a summoner (which is really fun), along with doing fates for my monk's weapon as well as gearing him up, unlocking trails and hardmode dungeons, and enjoying the hell out of Golden Saucer, I'm suddenly becoming overwhelmed with too much to do! Help!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Improving the brand, I'm official, baby!

Welcome to, my brand new domain! I'm pretty excited to have made it this far and hopefully will continue to do this for a long time. Not only I have a new web address, I also have a Facebook page and of course, my youtube channel here. I know I'm not super popular right now, but this is all in good fun, and besides, this is just the beginning! The readers will come in due time; as long as I'm consistent and stay true to myself and my future readers, good things will happen.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

WoWInsider/Massively lives on thanks to crowdfunding

To my dismay, gaming blog sites Massively and WoWInsider (along with Joystiq, part of the Joystiq network) were shut down. Apparently their AoL overlord decided their services were no longer needed. I still don't understand why this decision was made (budget issues?) but both were very popular and had a huge following. I, of course, frequented those site multiple times a day, so when I heard the initial bad news, I was devastated. For the past 5 years or so they were the only sites that I consistently visited, and now they're no more? What was I going to do??

Final Fantasy XIV Patch 2.51 - Golden Saucy Goodness!

Well I definitely don't keep up with everything in this game, hell I had no idea this patch was coming out...what a pleasant surprise! Patch 2.51 released it's most anticipated content thus far: The Golden Saucer!

The Golden Saucer? You mean the Golden Saucer from, like, Final Fantasy 7??

It's not quite exactly the same place, but dammit, what they do have is freaking awesome! Even the music is faithful to the original place!

I didn't get to play much, but I did get a chance to win (and lose) a couple of card matches, spend some token on the plethora of carni games they have around the area, and of course, get my chocobo racing on! 

Based on what I've seen and read, this was a most welcome addition to Final Fantasy XIV. The only problem is that I have so much to do already! And I can see myself addicted to chocobo racing. I guess in an MMO, that's a good problem to have.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn - My Thoughts So Far

So it's been over a year since I laid eyes on FF14, mainly because World of Warcraft had my full undivided attention. I mean MoP was a success as far as storytelling and WoD was even better! But after the glitter and glamour wore out, so did my interest. I figured, "Hey, they added a ninja class. Let's see what's up with FF14". Me and my crew were more than eager to return back to that world 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Allow me to reintroduce myself

Greetings everyone and thanks for taking your time to read my blog! For those that don't know I am Rajiblaze, MMO gamer extraordinaire. I've been on and off blogging and decided to reinvigorate my brand. Reading back through the old posts, I wondered why the heck did I stop?? I mean I'm not the best writer in the world, but it showed I have some skill in writing what's on my mind! So how are things? I'll give you a brief story on my recent events.